Dean & Britta所出的【L'Avventura(情事)】專輯。超久沒有買CD了一次買了兩張,這張可是很耐聽且舒服
曾經是紐約Dream Pop樂團Luna、Galaxie 500的靈魂人物的Dean Wareham與當時爲Luna貝斯手Britta Phillips,以音樂相識、近而相戀。但Dean已婚的事實,讓他與Britta之間的情素幻化成爲當時Luna首首動人的情歌。
取名自義大利名導Antonioni的經典電影,《L'Avventura》由David Bowie御用製作人Tony Visconti一手打理,收錄的全是高感度的上乘流行曲。翻唱曲無論是The Doors、Silver Jews,甚至是Madonna也呈現了與原作不同的嶄新面容,溫暖而帶有光澤。
原本隨著發行廠Jetset倒閉而成為絕版的此張專輯,經過男主唱Dean自行成立Double Feature廠牌,終於在2008年秋天獲得重生,並且加收了三首由好友Sonic Boom重新混音的歌曲。重溫五年前的舊作《L'Avventura》,雖然Dean與Britta現下已是一對幸福的夫妻,然當初那些見不得光的曖昧情愫,如今聽來仍是波濤洶湧,讓人臉紅心跳。
Dean懶洋洋的歌聲,配上Britta狐媚性感的聲線,一搭一唱,就是讓人羨慕不已的情侶搖滾最佳典範。聽聽第九首Knives From Bavaria,副歌那段「啦啦啦」,深情又浪漫,彷佛訴說著這些年,他們的曲折瑰麗的音樂愛情故事。
Night Nurse
You are the treacle in my pie
You are the splinter in my eye
You make the ice melt, the butter run
You are the ink stain, you are the one
Sleep together the milkyway
Sleep forever and a day
Lovely jewels in joy designed
La la la la...
I am the local, I am express
I am a tourist in a summer dress
I am the night nurse, I am the most
I am the visitor, you are the host
Sleep together the milkyway
Sleep forever and a day
Lovely jewels in joy designed
La la la la...
My wings are clipped
My drinks are sipped
My lips are lipped
My lid is flipped
I am the night nurse
I am the most
I am the visitor
You are the host
Sleep together the milkyway
Sleep forever and a day
Lovely jewels in joy designed
La la la la...
- Dec 05 Fri 2008 02:16
[音樂]【Night Nurse】by Dean & Britta